Tatiana Lipatova
The one to encourage the expedition, the Chief Operating Officer of “Aquatoria” therms and spa. Manages the water complex specializing in relaxation, but it seems that she never takes a break for herself. That is the business.
Olga Gurevich
Director of Tourist portal of Primorsky Region. Loves unique projects and believes that they contribute greatly to making Primorsky Region even more appealing to travelers. Hard to argue with that.
Daniil Goncharov
Chief Public Relations Specialist of “Land of the Leopard”. Knows about the national park everything and willingly shares his knowledge. Very impressive
Julia Krutova
Project leader, the expedition's energizer. Possesses the rare quality of just taking action and getting things done.
Yuriy Zabavin
Videographer. Can lie in wait for hours to capture a close-up of an exceptionally rare heron. Or, on the fly, come up with a creative shot. Highly respected.
Denis Kazakov
Sound engineer and sound designer. Hears how pine needles rustle. Skilled in sound. Knows how to create atonal jazz from rustling of leaves and sounds of rain. How is it possible? That's pure mystique.
Vitaliy Sosnin
Photographer. Macro and micro photography, shooting from the bird's-eye view or underwater, nature or portrait photography – he frames a shot, composes a picture. An artist, no doubt.
Anton Gerego
Chef de cuisine of the panoramic restaurant at “Aquatoria” therms and spa. We could tell you more about him but sometimes it's better to chew than to talk – so welcome to “Aquatoria” restaurant. Is it delicious? Well, that's exactly how we ate during the expedition.
Olga Kuskova
Journalist and representative of the Tourist portal of Primorsky Region. The official reporter of the project, responsible for words, syllables, and so on. Takes notes, gathers materials, gets things done.
Daria Deryugina
Promotion and event manager at “Aquatoria” therms and spa. Manages, processes, and gives the expedition's results a go.
Alena Babeshko
Manager of the panoramic restaurant at “Aquatoria” therms and spa. Both a person and a gastronomic guide – loves to eat deliciously herself and knows how to feed others well.
Dmitriy Gridasov
Video editing and coloristics.
Pavel Nemtin
Art-director of the project and website layout designer.